Awaken the Beautiful in Yourself...”: Edition Published to Mark the 110th Anniversary of Svetoslav Roerich’s Birth.

Coll. in 2 vols. / Compl. D.Yu. Revyakin. – Moscow: International Centre of the Roerichs, 2015. – Vol. 1: 1938-1988. – 480 p., ill.

ISBN 978-5-86988-264-6

The first volume of the commemorative edition includes materials that reach back to the 1938-1988s and are related to the life, artistic work and social activities of Svetoslav Roerich. This publication also features two previously unpublished articles by Svetoslav Roerich dedicated to Helena and Nicholas Roerich.

Additionally, the book incorporates speeches and lectures given by Svetoslav Roerich in India, the USSR and Bulgaria in 1960-1970s, which were recovered from the audio and video recordings provided by the ICR Department of Manuscripts and Archive, as well as from the transcripts prepared by Kira Molchanova. There is a separate section with publications on Svetoslav Roerich and his interviews in the Soviet, Bulgarian and Indian periodicals.

The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers.



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